6 steps to become a successful entrepreneur
Being an entrepreneur is an art, says Julien Foussard. Here’s what he’s learned while building his business. How do you turn a good idea into success? This is something I’ve been practicing from the age of 12, and believe me I’ve had my fair share of failures, but which successful entrepreneur hasn’t? Take Colonel Sanders for…
Customer Services Must Invest in eReputation Management or Face Death (Wired Innovations)
Customer relationships have radically changed over the past decade — from the efficiency and convenience of the online sales process to the immediacy of social media. The digital generation has high expectations — and low tolerance — for a poor experience: at the first sign of a problem, their response is to share the experience via online forums, Facebook and Twitter. Brands…
Why is the Business Model Fucking Important ?
Why is the Business Model Fucking Important ? Don’t entrepreneurs know how to make money anymore ? Have entrepreneurs forgotten how to be salesmen? Having a business doesn’t only mean creating a product ! We are naturally heading towards another tech bubble if entrepreneurs are not able to make money without VCs. A great product might,…